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- Lazarus.db = Lazarus.getBrowser().Lazarus.db;
- Lazarus.Crypto = Lazarus.getBrowser().Lazarus.Crypto;
- function init(){
- if (!Lazarus.getBrowser().Lazarus.isPasswordSet()){
- //disable the Current password box
- document.getElementById('previous').hidden = true;
- document.getElementById('previous-disabled').hidden = false;
- }
- else {
- document.getElementById('previous').hidden = false;
- document.getElementById('previous-disabled').hidden = true;
- }
- }
- function refreshButtons(){
- var btnAccept = document.getElementsByTagName('dialog')[0].getButton('accept');
- btnAccept.disabled = (document.getElementById('password').value != document.getElementById('confirm').value);
- }
- /**
- *
- */
- function onAccept(){
- //re-encrypt the private key with the new password.
- var previousBox = document.getElementById('previous');
- var passwordBox = document.getElementById('password');
- var confirmBox = document.getElementById('confirm');
- var encb64Key = Lazarus.db.getStr("SELECT value FROM settings WHERE name = 'private-key'");
- //we need to unencrypt the private key
- var decb64Key = Lazarus.Crypto.AESDecrypt(encb64Key, previousBox.value);
- //incorrect old password
- if (!decb64Key){
- alert(strings["error-incorrect-password"]);
- previousBox.value = '';
- return false;
- }
- //passwords don't match
- else if (passwordBox.value != confirmBox.value){
- alert(strings["error-password-mismatch"]);
- passwordBox.value = '';
- confirmBox.value = '';
- passwordBox.focus();
- return false;
- }
- //same password as before
- else if (previousBox.value == passwordBox.value){
- return true;
- }
- //password changed
- else {
- //re-encrypt the private key with the new password, and save it.
- var newb64Key = Lazarus.Crypto.AESEncrypt(decb64Key, passwordBox.value);
- //and save
- Lazarus.db.exe("DELETE FROM settings WHERE name = 'private-key'");
- Lazarus.db.exe("INSERT INTO settings (name, value) VALUES ('private-key', ?1)", newb64Key);
- //since we've changed the password, we'd better log the user out
- Lazarus.getBrowser().Lazarus.unloadPrivateKey();
- //if the user has removed the password, then log em in again
- if (passwordBox.value == ''){
- Lazarus.getBrowser().Lazarus.loadPrivateKey();
- //and remove the password from the SSD if it exists
- Lazarus.getBrowser().Lazarus.removePassword();
- }
- //if the user has his password stored in the Software Security Device, then we should update that as well.
- else if (previousBox.value && Lazarus.getBrowser().Lazarus.loadPassword() == previousBox.value){
- Lazarus.getBrowser().Lazarus.savePassword(passwordBox.value);
- }
- return true;
- }
- }